Friday, 2 October 2009

Just some random words to share

No idea what to write at this moment, I just love the whole idea abt me writing again. I can actually fill my blog with my random thoughts, opinions, ideas, the short stories that I've written when I was just 15, my sadness, my happiness and also my poems and feelings. ^_^.

I should really thank my boyfriend to encourage me to do this. Not to forget the unbelievably nice and ongoing encouragement that I get all the time from my bestfriend, Dina, who keep saying that I should do this, I should do that and other things. Love u sist. And I Actually uploaded my picture and Dina, u can see how cute we are! LOL!

I still remember couple of days ago, when I had some really great conversations with my boyfriend like always. I always amaze by how so talented he is. He takes great pics, he plays music, he introduces me to dozens of knowledge, and that is just why I admire him so much. Then he told me that everything that his mom holds would actually turned into something really great.

Then I popped a statement that I still had no idea what my real talent was. That was how the idea of writing came up the first place.

Well anyways, I really come up with tons of ideas to share and of course I will keep on writing start from now on.

Sent from my YummyBerry® Tarik Maaaaaannnggg!!!!!

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